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"...not merely approachable but
positively delectable..."
" exceptionally rich, detailed recording..."
- Steve Smith, The New York Times
The Winter Fragments CD was born after Aeon founder Damien Pousset heard Argento perform in New York at the 2003 Sounds French Festival. Three of the tracks, Winter Fragments, Feuilles à travers les cloches, and Ethers, were recorded at a state-of-the-art recording studio at Istanbul Technical University. Le Lac was recorded in New York in 2004, after Argento gave the U.S. premiere in performance.
Winner of the Record Geijutsu 2010 Record Academy Award
All five works on the CD were edited, mixed, and mastered at Tristan Murail's home in upstate New York by the composer himself, Argento artistic director and composer Michel Galante, and Argento electronics specialist and composer Michael Klingbeil. Created by top-ranking artists in the field of contemporary music, this recording explores the relationship of sound to natural environments, the idea of tonal and musical color, and the evolution of sound over time.
Available on the Aeon Label in the US: Arkivmusic, Amazon, Barnes and Noble; Europe: outhere music

also featured on:

Fred Lehrdahl, Volume Four
Fred Lehrdahl - Volume Four

David Fulmer, On Night
David Fulmer - On Night

Philippe Hurel
Philippe Hurel - Phonos ou la voix du faune
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